
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Definition of Lymphoma

Lymphoma is a malignant cancerous disease Almufaat (lymphocytes) or tissue in the lymphatic system.These cells form what is known as the endothelial network. Lymphoma is divided into two parts, the first known cancer lymphomassage Hodgkina (the proportion of the world Thomas Hodgkin) and the second cancer lymphomassage not Hodgkny. Alhodgkina disease is less serious than others Hodgkina.

monte escalier
Lymphoma is a malignant cancerous disease Almufaat (lymphocytes) or tissue in the lymphatic system.These cells form what is known as the endothelial network. Lymphoma is divided into two parts, the first known cancer lymphomassage Hodgkina (the proportion of the world Thomas Hodgkin) and the second cancer lymphomassage not Hodgkny. Alhodgkina disease is less serious than others Hodgkina.


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