
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Definition of Colon cancer

Colon Cancer Colon cancer is cancer of the large bowel, which is also called colorectal cancer. Most cases of colon cancer begin glandular tumor polyps, but only a small percentage of all the different types of polyps that arise in the colon (about 1%) is that later become cancerous. Change of glandular tumor polyp to cancer colic occurs slowly over a range of 5 to 10 years due to a series of genetic changes. But if polyp was removed before it becomes malignant, it is, of course, will not turn into colon cancer.Colon cancer is the second leading cause of death Looked cancer in the United States. Believed to arise - to some extent - because related to lifestyle habits such as eating foods high in fat and low in fiber and cigarette smoking. Genetics also play a role, there is up to 25% of colon cancer patients have family members or relatives are infected with the same disease. Include diseases that increase the susceptibility of colon cancer: inflammatory contagious disease, and possibly diabetes.Due to the lack of symptoms in the early stages of colon cancer should be tested to explore the disease if you have exceeded fifty. 

Definition of Lung cancer

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Lung cancer a lung disease characterized by the occurrence divisions Mobiles is set to living cells, and the ability of these cells divided invasion other tissues of the lungs and spread them, either through growth directly toward tissue adjacent or go and invade tissues far in the process we call metastasis.
Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world (after skin cancer, breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men) and the most cause of death of cancer.

Definition of Lymphoma

Lymphoma is a malignant cancerous disease Almufaat (lymphocytes) or tissue in the lymphatic system.These cells form what is known as the endothelial network. Lymphoma is divided into two parts, the first known cancer lymphomassage Hodgkina (the proportion of the world Thomas Hodgkin) and the second cancer lymphomassage not Hodgkny. Alhodgkina disease is less serious than others Hodgkina.

Definition of liver cancer

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Liver cancer is the growth and spread of unhealthy cells within the liver. The cancer that originates in the liver called primary liver cancer. The cancer, which is transmitted to the liver from another member His name secondary liver cancer (metastatic). Are diagnosed annually 21,000 U.S. primary liver cancer. And primary liver cancer is one of the few cancers spread widening more than Garhave United States. The initial cancer twice more common in men than in women. Also increase the incidence in developing countries from the rest of the states clearly (more than 80% of patients with this type of cancer from developing countries).

Monday, August 27, 2012

Definition of Bladder Cancer

Bladder Cancer is the damage to the kidney melanoma. Bladder melanoma starts most often contaminate the tissues coating the kidney from the inside.And usually impacts the seniors, but that does not mean different of any age from damage.
Bladder melanoma is it all most typical melanoma among men and the 8th most experienced by women too, according to the U.S. Nationwide Cancer Institution, and is it all most typical melanoma among men in England. In 1996 more than 300,000 new situations were recognized globally. A large proportion are recognized kidney melanoma in its initial phases, where curable very well. However, kidney melanoma is recognized Baltkrr even if therapy in an initial phase, and for this reason, should heirs of kidney melanoma assessments to follow and observe their condition for several years after therapy. Vdrt the variety of new situations of the disease in the U. s. Declares for the year 2008 about 68,810 situations, the variety of fatalities, such as 14,000.

What is cancer ?

Cancer is a group of illnesses recognized by cells aggressive Competitive (which develop and split without Borders), and the capability of these cells separated intrusion Invasion and devastation of nearby cells, or shift to far away cells in the process we call metastasis. These abilities are you will of a dangerous development on the opposite adenoma, and which is recognized by the development of a specific lack of ability to intrusion and has no capability to shift or indication. Can also develop harmless development to a dangerous melanoma in some cases.
Can melanoma be impacting all ages when individual even fetuses, but improves the risk of infection whenever individual progress in life. [1] and cause melanoma fatalities by 13% of all fatalities. [2] indicates community melanoma American ACS to loss of life 7.6 million people melanoma individual in the world in 2007. [3] also impacts individual melanoma forms it contaminate creatures and plants as well.
Mostly linked modification of healthier cells into cancer cells to changes in the inherited material / gene. These changes may cause dangerous aspects such as smoking, rays or substances or contaminated illnesses (Kalasabh viruses). There are also motivating aspects for melanoma, such as a unique mistake or mutation in DNA copy DNA when mobile department, or because of this mistake or monetary gift from the mother mobile mutation.
Changes occur or inherited strains in two genes:
Tumor genes: a gene active in the situation of a melanoma mobile to give the new mobile features, such as extreme development and department in large quantity, and shield you against apoptosis (programmed mobile death) Apoptosis, and help the melanoma mobile to develop in uncommon circumstances.
Genes كابحة of the tumor: a gene is ceased in the situation of a melanoma mobile because it is contrary to designed by solving any mistakes in duplicating DNA, and observe mobile department, and is working on combination and non-borne cells, it also helps the defense mechanisms to protect the material.
Are ranked each kind of melanoma by tissue melanoma that occurs from it (place Cancer Location) and the closest mobile sound similar to the melanoma mobile (Histologih melanoma Histology). Determine a final analysis contaminated by checking specialist pathology or biopsy Biopsy examples taken from the development, although the likelihood of the start of symptoms dangerous development or seen by radiography Radiographic.
Currently treat cancer malignancy may be treated, and this is determined by the kind of melanoma, its place, and stage. And when the melanoma is recognized, start treatment with surgery treatment Surgical procedures or chemo Chemotherapy and radiotherapy Radiotherapy. Thanks to research developments, it was possible to produce drugs able to target melanoma cells to tell apart them at the molecular level, which decreases the likelihood of focusing on healthier cells.


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